HUD Homes
- Can I submit a back-up offer on a corporate-owned home?
- Why do I have to provide a Proof of Funds or a Pre-Approval?
- Can I get the appraisal or see the appraised value for a HUD home?
- Can I assign the purchase contract after it is accepted?
- Will the seller pay for any repairs?
- How to set up a HUD home inspection?
- Where do I find HUD home contact information when the listing is not available at
- How do I get the FHA Amendatory Clause form executed for my HUD purchase?
- Why can't I find a property on that is listed as Active in my MLS/BLC and
- If a buyer finds something major in their inspection can they get their earnest money back?
- Where can I find the contracts needed for a HUD offer?
- What happens if there are multiple offers for a property?
- How do I order a Lead-Based Paint inspection for an FHA buyer?
- Why are the Agent Coop Fees showing as .01%?
- What are Good Neighbor Next Door, Dollar Homes or Nonprofit Discount Homes?
- Do I have to resubmit my buyer's bid everyday when in the Daily Bidding cycle?
- How do foreign nationals make bids on HUD homes?
- What are the amounts for the HUD contract closing extension fees
- What is the procedure for getting a HUD home de-winterized in order to complete a home inspection?
- Who do I make a HUD escrow check payable to and where do I send it?